Water suppliers urged to prevent water shortages

April 26, 2024 - 15:49
The city has urged water companies to operate their water treatment plants and distribution stations at maximum capacity.
Workers install water pipes for a household in Minh Châu Commune, Ba Vì District, Hà Nội City. — VNA/VNS Photo Minh Quyết

HÀ NỘI — The authorities of Hà Nội City have instructed water suppliers to carefully manage water resources to prevent prolonged water cuts that could disrupt residents' daily lives.

The city has urged water companies to operate their water treatment plants and distribution stations at maximum capacity to meet the water needs of all households in the inner city and suburban areas connected to the city's centralised water supply system.

The city has also urged them to upgrade the water distribution network, apply Industry 4.0 technologies for customer management, deploy booster pumping stations and use communication to raise public awareness about water conservation.

In addition, the companies are urged to accelerate water network development projects to expand clean water supply to rural areas.

Another task is to tighten the control of water quality at the source and after treatment, regularly update water data to water monitoring centres and regulate the water supply between centralised water treatment plants to meet the increased demand.

The Hanoi Water Company LTD, which produces about 600,000c.m of fresh water daily, forecasts that it will be overstretched to supply enough water to 16 districts and wards in the city in the summer as water demand is projected to reach about 780,000c.m daily.

Due to the supply-demand gap, the water supplier predicts that some localities in Hà Nội would continue to experience water shortages or even water cuts in the summer. — VNS
